Replace your worn-out battery with a new Lenovo SB10F46460 battery.
This SB10F46460 battery is only compatible with the Lenovo T460s and T470s model. This SB10F46460 battery uses a different battery than the T460 or T470. The "s" in the part number makes this laptop a completely different machine. This Lenovo T470s battery is easily replaced by removing the bottom panel screws.
The Lenovo T470s/T460s laptop has two internally located batteries. This SB10F46460 battery replaces the front battery inside the laptop.
This Lenovo SB10F46460 battery is made with the highest quality lithium-ion cells that charge faster and last longer than cheaper, lower quality batteries. Lower quality batteries can wear out in just a few months (just read the reviews for the cheap batteries on Amazon). Our batteries can last up to 4 years on a full charge.
This SB10F46460 battery is 100% compatible with the original Lenovo battery specifications and is individually tested and backed by a 1 Year warranty.