This is an Xtend brand Acer AL15B32 battery. This AL15B32 battery is compatible with the Acer Aspire V5 591g models and the original Acer AL15B32 battery part number.
This Acer AL15B32 battery is rated 11 volts and 5000 mAh and will typically last 4 hours on a full charge. You can get even longer battery life by dimming your screen and closing unused programs.
Acer produced many Aspire V5 laptop models and they do not all use the same battery. Go to our Acer Aspire V5 battery page or search our site for Aspire V5 for the full list of Acer models.
Each Acer battery is individually tested before shipment and backed by 30 day complete satisfaction guarantee and a 2 Year warranty.